Contemporary Service

Opening Song – Made For More


Worship Walk With Jesus

                Goodness Of God

                Word Of God Speak

Table Prayer – Time To Pray For Each Other

Teaching – God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

Closing Song – Over Flow

Traditional Service


Carrying the Light – Lighting the Altar Candles

Hymn – All Hail The Power – 43

Welcome and Announcements – Worship Leader – Debbie Sandridge

Joys and Concerns, Blessing Of Tithes And Offerings (Doxology)

Hymn – Only Trust Him – 480

Scripture – Romans 5:6-10

Sermon – God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

Closing Hymn – The Tree Of The Field – 764


Sermon Notes

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

I. Well…does He?

a. Where did it come from?

b. Ben Franklin

c. Algeron Sydney

d. Euripides

e. What were they all trying to say?

f. Does it mean that if you don’t help yourself, He won’t either???

II. What the Bible DOES Say…

a. Romans 5:6-10 – While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

b. Isaiah 25:4 “For You have been a defense for the helpless…

c. Romans 3:23, 6:23

d. Isaiah 64:6 “All of us have become like one who is unclean…

e. 2 Corinthians 5:21 “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us…

f. God provided the “help” that we need precisely because we could not help ourselves.

III. How this works out in our lives

a. God Helps those who help themselves?

b. In a practical sense there are things we are responsible for…

c. Our spiritual life is our responsibility

d. Do we have to take the first steps in our spiritual life and THEN God shows up?

e. Spiritually speaking God doesn’t help those who help themselves. He helps thosewho are helpless.

f. The doing in the life of a believer is first drawing close to Jesus.

g. If we take this “God helps those who help themselves” into our spiritual life we predictably become religious.

h. Our doing comes out of our being and our being comes out of our relationship with Him.

i. The most important thing for us as followers of Jesus is to seek to follow as closely as we can.

j. Learning to follow Jesus as closely as we can means we start our day with Him…in His Word…

k. Asking questions like…what does it say?

l. What does it mean?

m. What did it mean when it was written?

n. What does it mean now?

o. What does it mean to me personally?

p. How will I apply it today?