Love God - Love People - Make Disciples

To follow by faith, the teaching and example of Jesus Christ, God’s son and our Savior. To love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength according to Mark 12:30, 31; and, to go into the world making disciples, baptizing them and teaching them to obey all that Jesus commanded according to Matthew 28:18-20.


Blue Ridge Chapel affirms it’s faith in one God who is a personal Father who in holy love creates, sustains, and orders all. We confess Jesus Christ as God’s Son, and the church as His body. Since we believe God to be at work in our lives, we strive to express this by participating with God in his work of salvation in the world. We accept the New Testament as our only creed and rule of faith and practice, being obedient to the commands of Christ and His gospel, yet free to respond in faith and love. All members of the congregation of the body of believers, are responsible for the total ministry of the church. We covenant to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit as made known to us in the Holy Scriptures. To love, serve and care for one another as Jesus does for us.

Church Photo
The Cross Photo


It all began in May 1938...

....when a small group began gathering on the front porch belonging to Gilbert and Mary Ross for church services. Little did they realize that this would become Blue Ridge Chapel Church of the Brethren. Before winter, the group built a shed roof frame building to hold services and hymn singing on Sunday night.

Before the end of 1939, the congregation once again felt pressed for adequate quarters. The men of the group tore down the shed roof building and used this lumber, plus other materials, to construct a 14'x28' building. The church grew to the point that the congregation had to enlarge the old chapel to 28'x28'.

In 1945, Rev. T. Wayne Rieman organized the first Youth fellowship. This group was very active and was an important influence in the church's growth. The Church Board was officially started on August 8, 1948.

In 1950, permanent partitions were installed in the basement to form Sunday School rooms. During this time, church council approved the idea to build a new church on Route 340.

At District Conference held at Barren Ridge Church in 1954, the church petitioned for and was granted congregational status. The church became a fully independent congregation in the Second District of Virginia.

Groundbreaking ceremonies for the new 35'x72' church building were held on September 12, 1954. The new church building on Route 340 was completed and the first service was held on Easter Sunday, 1956. Cost for the new building was $21,000 with an outstanding debt of $9,000. This was possible because most of the labor had been donated.

Rev. David Webster served Blue Ridge Chapel as its first full-time pastor from 1960-1965. During this time, an educational building was constructed and dedicated in June 1965. Rev. Dee Flory became pastor in 1969 and served until April 1985. The history of Blue Ridge Chapel's pastors and interim pastors is depicted in photos on display in our original building's landing area.

2011 was an exciting year for Blue Ridge Chapel as we began construction on our latest facility -- a social hall with platform for services and presentations, a first-class kitchen, pantry, storage areas, conference room, pastor's office, secretary's office and audio/visual capabilities. This new addition greatly enhanced our worship and fellowship opportunities.